The XP-39E, which was the prototype for what would become the P-63, featured the all-important superchargers and greater engine power, in addition to its longer fuselage and greater wingspan. While the new design out-performed the P-39, the USAAF didn’t consider the P-63 up to the performance levels of the P-51. The Soviets were glad to acquire the majority of them under lend/lease, and Bell paid closer attention to the inputs of the Soviet engineers. For example, the P-63 could not recover from a flat spin (as Bell learned in flight test), so the Soviets had the nose-mounted canon moved forward, which shifted the center of gravity forward and provided more room for additional ammunition. The redesigned P-63 could recover.
Features and Options:
- Nicely detailed cockpit
- Photo-etched pilot restraints
- Positionable car doors
- Positionable ailerons
- Positionable flaps
- Positionable rudder
- Postionable elevators
- Choice of optional centerline external fuel tanks
- Optional underwing external fuel tanks
- Underwing gun pods
The kit provides markings for the following subjects:
- P-63E, 43-11721, USAAF
- P-63E, 43-11720, USAAF
- P-63E, 43-11721, USAAF
- P-63E, N9003R, civilian warbird
- P-63E, 402, Honduran AF (FAH)
- P-63E, 401, Honduran AF (FAH)